Is it worth getting a flu shot?


Along with the darkening evenings, something else arrives in Finland. In November and December, the number of people suffering from influenza slowly starts to increase. The influenza season continues until spring and winter.

But what is influenza?

Influenza is a sudden inflammation of the upper respiratory tract caused by influenza viruses. Influenza epidemics occur every winter, when 5─15% of adults fall ill. Healthy adults usually recover from the disease with 1─2 weeks of bed rest. A person infected with influenza excretes the virus in his respiratory tract and can transmit the disease to another person either as a droplet infection when coughing and sneezing or as a contact infection through hands when sneezing. The disease spreads easily in cramped spaces such as schools, public transport or garrisons.

An infected person can catch the flu as early as a day before the symptoms start. Contagiousness is highest during the first 3─4 days of illness and lasts about a week. The incubation period of the disease from infection to the onset of symptoms is usually 1 to 4 days. Influenza typically begins with a rapidly rising high fever and is accompanied by muscle pain, headache and malaise. In addition, a dry cough, sore throat, runny nose and nasal congestion appear as in a common cold.


What are sequelae?

After the flu, you can get sick after the flu. Aftermaths are the most common among the elderly, young children, pregnant women and those who are at risk due to the disease. Sequelae include e.g. bronchitis, ear infection and pneumonia. Influenza can also cause miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy and premature birth in the later stages of pregnancy.

What if you get the flu?

In most cases, symptomatic treatment is sufficient. Rest, taking care of adequate fluid intake, if necessary, you can safely take a suitable painkiller and a nasal spray for congestion. You can try to relieve a cough by blowing into a bottle and good old honey. Temperance is the key when you’re sick, you shouldn’t start too early. Medicines are being developed for the influenza virus, and those who need hospital treatment or who, due to an underlying illness, are at risk of complications from the flu will benefit from the medication. Influenza medicine may shorten the duration of the disease (1-2 days) and alleviate the symptoms. For a fundamentally healthy adult, medication is of little use.

If medication is not recommended, how can I prevent getting sick?

The annual flu vaccine provides the best protection against influenza and its sequelae.  The flu vaccine only protects against diseases caused by influenza viruses , not the common cold and common cold. The vaccine is the best protection against influenza. It prevents 5-8 out of ten influenza in healthy working-age people.

And there is no harm in taking care of yourself, eating well and ensuring you get enough sleep. Good hand and coughing hygiene also reduce the risk of getting sick (both flu and colds). When caught by a coughing fit, you should cough into paper and/or your sleeve. You should wash your hands carefully with soap every time you come inside. Hand sanitizer should be dispensed to clean hands.

Book an appointment for the influenza vaccination

  • Heltti members 45 €
  • Non-Heltti Members 50 €
