Gapps: Occupational health that supports knowledge workers and the rapid growth of the company

Case Gapps

Typically, we only think about reaching out to occupational health when things are tough. In many companies, it’s seen as a necessary evil, something you have to deal with because it’s required by law. “People often believe that the less we use occupational health, the healthier we must be. But I see it differently. The more Gapps employees take advantage of Heltti’s services proactively, the better”, says Kasper Pöyry, CEO of Gapps.

At Gapps, an IT service and digital transformation expert, they realized that their ambitious team of knowledge workers sometimes faced such demanding workloads that their own well-being was occasionally neglected. This prompted Gapps to seek extensive occupational health services from a partner dedicated to addressing the needs of knowledge workers and offering proactive support, not just when someone is already unwell.

Collaboration in a nutshell

Starting point

At Gapps, the main challenge in finding occupational health services was that most service providers didn’t understand the needs of a company consisting mainly of knowledge workers. They sought a change in this situation and looked for a health partner who could efficiently handle illnesses like flu and other healthcare matters while also providing broader assistance and support for promoting the well-being of their staff.

Why Heltti?

For a thriving growth company like Gapps, mere statutory occupational health or a distant partnership wouldn’t have sufficed. In Heltti, caring goes beyond the basics, providing employees with comprehensive support, with a special focus on nurturing mental well-being.

A glimpse into our collaboration today

The collaboration between Heltti and Gapps is active and transparent. “Heltti understands the essence of our culture and business. Besides occupational health, we receive coaching, information, and comprehensive assistance from Heltti – including support for leadership and supervisor development.”

Services in this partnership

  • Forerunner -occupational health package
  • Mental well-being support
  • Coaching for leaders and executives
  • Work Ability Management support

Occupational Health that’s present
in the everyday life of Gapps’ employees

“We have tried various service providers, and the biggest stumbling block has been that they don’t understand the needs of a company consisting of knowledge workers like us and our way of being an employer. The collaboration was distant, statutory, and I was looking for more than just an annual Kela report,” describes Nina Uhlenius, responsible for HR and culture matters at Gapps, based on her previous experiences. The solution was found close by – within their own customer base. Heltti, specializing in knowledge workers, has been a customer of Gapps since its inception, so now the assistance is mutual.

“Heltti understands the essence of our culture and business. Besides occupational health, we receive coaching, information, and comprehensive assistance from Heltti – including support for leadership and supervisor development.”

“It has been a pleasant surprise for employees that occupational health is more present in daily life than before. The kick-off held by Heltti on-site provided a good foundation for collaboration and made it clear that Heltti is a partner that fits our style and is easily approachable. Connecting with Heltti is easy in many ways, both in person and remotely, and no one has to wonder how to get in touch and whether they can be in touch”.

“I believe that without this kind of collaboration, sick leaves would be more significant for us. I am confident that with a different model, the situation would be different.”

Nina Uhlenius, HR-manager, Gapps

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Katriina Kanto | LinkedIn
044 712 9505

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